About Agribank > Văn hóa Agribank

Agribank's core cultural values are Honesty, Discipline, Creativity, Quality, and Efficiency.

Honesty: is interpreted as per someone’s thought, something has existed and happened or integrity, truthfulness (an honest person or a person with honesty).

Discipline: is interpreted as “code of ethics that governs the society, the organisation, family to consolidate the relationship within a lifestyle that complies with the moral rules. Customs and regulations form the social order. Discipline must be followed”

Creativity: is interpreted as “Creating something new or study for improvement without compulsion. In theory, “initiative” is interpreted as an internal element; economic development is a change of economic activities on the basis of internal creation.

Quality: is interpreted as value of benefits (towards quantity)
Product quality (in economic terms): Product characteristics defined by parameters which are measurable and comparable, in line with current technical conditions to meet the social and personal demand in an identified production and consumption condition. Product quality reflects comprehensively the level of technology and is an important technical and economic standard to improve production efficiency and play an essential role in economics (expand production scale and market especially international market)

Quality can be narrowed down as product quality or can be widened as job quality. Product quality implies product use or the appropriateness with a certain use, meeting the quality characteristics demand of the society and the duration of those characteristics.

Job quality means the guarantee of the production, technical and organisation process, resulting in qualified products and product quality improvement. Job quality also includes the quality of the business decision and onsite compliance which is measured by job productivity, job efficiency, product quality and economic efficiency of various divisions and positions. Job quality plays a decisive role to product quality and a guarantee to product quality. The former and the latter are different but have close relations. Efficiency is construed as “an achievement in a job or in an activity”

Efficiency: means the expected outcome or something that produces the result that people expect and aim at, and may vary through different fields (economic efficiency, socio-economic efficiency, labour efficiency, efficiency and efficiency rate).
In production, efficiency means performance and productivity. In business, efficiency means interest rate and profits. In work performance, efficiency means labour productivity assessed by a period of time to produce a product or number of products produced within a period of time.

Why are we committed to Agribank's core cultural values?

Corporate culture becomes internal strength in business.
Corporate culture becomes governance measure, consolidating Agribank prestige and heightening up Agribank position locally and internationally.
Corporate culture becomes qualification, morale, working style of Agribank staff, Agribank tradition, consolidating customer belief, expanding market share and the market scale, improving competitiveness in terms of products and services quality both locally and internationally.

How do we leverage and exercise Agribank's core cultural values?

In line with Viet Nam law and international conventions, following Viet Nam culture deeply imbued with its national identity, integrating with other countries’ advanced corporate cultures in compliance with the instruction from the State, the State Bank of Viet Nam and Agribank.
Based on a consistent, scientific, succeeding, realistic and evolving basis, in line with Agribank development; having a detailed program to perform corporate culture which clearly identifies the target, plan, measures to perform in a relevant, qualitative, cost saving and efficient manner.
Regularly organise supervision, review, assessment, emulation on building corporate culture.  

© 2019 Vietnam Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development No. 2 Lang Ha street, Ba Dinh district, Hanoi, Vietnam
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